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  • Writer's pictureLucy Hinde

Stigma vs. Reality of Mental Health

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

When we treat someone differently, we may be stigmatizing them based on ideas about mental illness that come from inaccurate news reports or over dramatized movies and television programs. This stigma often deters those with mental illness from accessing health care or maximizing their potential because they’re afraid of being judged.

One of the biggest problems with mental health within the adolescent population is the negative stigma surrounding it. And because these stigmas are so strongly taught and practiced, these probably will not come to a surprise for you. Have you heard or thought of phrases such as;

" People with mental disorders are weak, lazy, or just attention seeking "

" You are just using your mental disorder as an excurse to not work/go to school "

" I can't go to a therapist, people will make fun of me "

" I can't tell anyone what I am thinking because I'm going crazy and no one will understand "

Thoughts like these foster the thought that there is something inherently wrong with you for feeling confused, depressed, anxious or even suicidal. They make people feel as though they are not fixable, and that they must suppress their feelings rather than talking through them. They make it hard for adolescents to reach out to people that they trust.

So how can we fight stigma? By improving mental health literacy, we can challenge our misinformation & negative attitudes/perceptions.

We are here to tell you that none of that stigma is reality. Reality is, 1 in 5 children experience a mental health disorder. Reality is, that mental health is just as important as physical health. And reality is that there is someone in your life, that cares about you, and want you to succeed and feel better. Mental health disorders are treatable and curable. Our other blog posts go into detail about healthy coping mechanisms, but for now, here are some realities from the about the severity of mental health in adolescents throughout the country.

- Approximetly 20% of teenagers experiecne depression before they reach adulthood.

- Mental health disorders do not discriminate between demographics.

- Suicide is the third-leding cause of death for people ages 15-24.

Here is a link to some teen mental health personal experiences:

Stigma can have a really big impact on our lives. Therefore, we cannot let stigma create self-doubt, shame, & isolation. If you need help seek it. We have different mental health information & resources for you within your city that can help you.

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